First into the White Room came 'Lady from Shanghai' by Pere Ubu which I intend to review in greater depth very soon.
This was followed by the second album from Villagers an Irish band led by Conor O'Brien. I thoroughly enjoyed their debut, the Mercury Prize nominated, 'Becoming a Jackal' back in 2010 and wondered then what they would come up with for the 'difficult' second album. Also I wondered how O'Brien would cope with the inevitable comparisons to Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes fame. Any fears were dispelled after I listened to '{Awayland}'. The parentheses are theirs, not mine.
The first track 'My Lighthouse', is a low key acoustic number but thereafter, the songs and arrangements become much more complex and electronic. 'The Waves' for example begins with Morse beeps and thudding bass & drums. Gradually the arrangement builds with guitar and piano joining the mix before O'Brien's voice fades into the background, being swamped by some thrashing chords and frantic drumming.
Throughout, O'Brien's now trademark surreal lyrics, force you to listen to try to unfathom the true meanings. It is never boring. When was the last time you heard a song begin with lines like 'Naked on the toilet with a toothbrush in his mouth / When he suddenly acquired an overwhelming sense of doubt'? Never, I suspect. (The song in question is 'Earthly Pleasure'). In 'Nothing Arrived', he sings 'I waited for something and something died, so I waited for nothing and nothing arrived'. The stunning 'Grateful Song' has O'Brien offering his thanks to a god of pain, tragedy, hatred and deceit for his company and for the misery from which he takes the inspiration for this song. Phew!
The whole album is full of wonderful imagery but this is music and as such the success of the album should depend upon the quality of the songs themselves. Have no fear. The songs are very strong and have the capacity to draw you further in with each repeated listen.
It is only mid January and already I feel I have a contender for the album of 2013!
I read also that Villagers will be performing live at The Warehouse in Newcastle upon Tyne on 9 February. I just may have to be there.
Soon to come, as promised a look at the new album by Pere Ubu and a superb new album from Richard Thompson.
See you soon.
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