Where have those years gone?
I can still recall the first time I heard the song being played on the radio in our front room, probably in November or December 1962. I would be a few months past my 11th birthday.
I assume that it was the distinctive harmonica sound that made me stop whatever I was doing to pay closer attention, or perhaps it was the deeper voice (Paul's) singing the title words at the end of each chorus. Whatever it was, the song certainly caught my attention and I mistakenly thought the DJ at the end said that the group was called The Beatniks. Within weeks I had learnt the correct name of the group (yes, they were all called groups then, a band being something completely different) and before long we all knew the individual names of each member; John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Being a school boy with a limited amount of pocket money to spend, I could not afford to buy records then but it wasn't long before I received a present of an EP called 'The Beatles Hits' which featured 'Love Me Do' along with three other hit songs 'From Me To You', 'Please Please Me' and 'Thank You Girl'. To the annoyance of my parents, I played it constantly and so began my love affair with the music of The Beatles.
In fact, there began my love affair with music. I had always liked music and can actually remember songs that I liked when I was about three or four years old. But there is a difference between like and love as I'm sure you're aware. The Beatles opened up a whole new world for me and a love affair with music that exists to this day.
Since that first chance encounter, I have of course bought most of The Beatles singles and LPs on vinyl and then again on CD. Having first heard their records in mono, it was essential that I purchased the Mono Box Set when that came out a couple of years ago. I was not disappointed.
Now, of course the remastered albums are due to be released as they were originally - on vinyl. And of course a vinyl single is being released today of 'Love Me Do' coupled with its original B-side 'P.S. I Love You'. I won't be buying it, but I have to confess that for old time's sake, I was very tempted.
To you, the 5th October 2012 might just be another date on the calendar but to me it represents something very special. I know it is only an anniversary, but such things encourage you to look back at the past and the past happens to be a huge place. Today, I will stick on my mono version of 'Love Me Do' and will fondly look back at the years that have elapsed since I first heard the song. Where the hell did that time go?
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